Search Results
Showing results 21 to 40 of 123.
Differential relationships between personal and community stressors and children’s neurocognitive functioning
November 01, 2009
RTI In The Media
How did the Post-Kaiser survey find 1 in 5 college women were sexually assaulted?
June 16, 2015 - The Washington Post
Maternal depressive symptoms and adolescent alcohol use in Latino families: the mediating role of affective emotional regulation
May 01, 2013
Drug control policy and smuggling innovation: A game-theoretic analysis
January 01, 2003
RTI In The Media
There's no more denying campus rape is a problem. This study proves it.
January 20, 2016 - The Huffington Post
Campus climate surveys
January 01, 2017
Sexual Assault on College Campuses: Are Climate Surveys Still Relevant?
April 09, 2018
RTI In The Media
Why campuses can't talk about alcohol when it comes to sexual assualt
September 04, 2014 - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Risk and protective factors for methamphetamine use and nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among young adults aged 18 to 25
May 01, 2007
Perceiving the risk of substance use: The roles of nativity, acculturation, and family support among Hispanic children
January 01, 2008
RTI In The Media
More evidence rape a significant problem on U.S. college campuses
May 20, 2015 - Toronto Sun
Health service use and social vulnerability in a community-based sample of women on probation and parole
June 01, 2015
Privatization in Florida juvenile justice education
January 01, 2001
RTI In The Media
Survey: 48% of Female Undergrad Respondents Said They Were Sexually Assaulted During Time at Duke
February 21, 2019 - Duke Chronicle
NCVS Instrument Redesign: Juvenile Testing Efforts
June 09, 2022
RTI In The Media
The college rape overcorrection
December 07, 2014 - Slate
RTI In The Media
Study examines rape, hypermasculinity and hostility in college men
January 21, 2015 - USA Today
RTI In The Media
What we can learn from that paper about campus rape on game days
December 29, 2015 - Slate
RTI In The Media
1 in 5? Data and the debate about campus rape
December 16, 2014 - U.S. News & World Report
2022 FedCASIC Virtual Conference
April 05, 2022