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Search Results

Showing results 21 to 40 of 59.


Tailored text messaging intervention for HIV adherence: A proof-of-concept study

March 01, 2013

Implementing an SMS-Based Intervention for Persons Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus

March 01, 2013

Technical implementation of a multi-component, text message–based intervention for persons living with HIV

November 01, 2012

Technical implementation of a multi-component, text message–based intervention for persons living with HIV

July 01, 2012

Efficacy of an HIV testing campaign's messages for African American women

June 01, 2012

Addressing HIV Knowledge, Risk Reduction, Social Support, and Patient Involvement Using SMS: Results of a Proof-Of-Concept Study

May 02, 2012

Beyond reminders: A conceptual framework for using short message service to promote prevention and improve healthcare quality and clinical outcomes for people living with HIV

February 01, 2012

Behavioral precursors and HIV testing behavior among African American women

January 01, 2012

Behavioural precursors and HIV testing behaviour among African American women

January 01, 2012
Scholarly Report

Prevention IS care formative research: Preliminary key findings and recommendations for round 1

January 01, 2012

Exploring African American women's perceptions of a social marketing campaign to promote HIV testing

December 01, 2011

Recommendations from a research consultation to inform the next generation of HIV prevention messaging for men who have sex with men (MSM)

October 01, 2011

Reaching men who have sex with men for HIV prevention messaging with new media: Recommendations from an expert consultation

October 01, 2011

Effectiveness of a mass media campaign in promoting HIV testing information seeking among African American women

September 01, 2011

Systematic formative research to develop HIV prevention messages for people living with HIV

September 01, 2010

An evaluation of health communication materials for individuals with disabilities developed in three state disability and health programs

June 01, 2010
Cover image for publication: Gender-of-voice effects in an ACASI study of same-sex behavior
RTI Press Publication

Gender-of-voice effects in an ACASI study of same-sex behavior

April 01, 2010

Social networking websites as a platform for disseminating social marketing interventions: An exploratory pilot study

March 01, 2010

Audience reactions and receptivity to HIV prevention message concepts for people living with HIV

February 01, 2010

Social Networking Web Sites as a Platform for Disseminating Social Marketing Interventions: An Exploratory Pilot Study

February 01, 2010