Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 2304.
The Epipen4schools(R) Survey: Staff Training And Use Of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors For The Treatment Of Anaphylaxis In Large Us School Districts
November 01, 2015
Defining sustainability and how it changes the innovation process
November 01, 2015
The 'art and science' of preparing crime risk assessment reports
November 01, 2015
RTI In The Media
Cept to help test eco-friendly toilet
September 19, 2015 - The Times Group
Melanoma incidence increases in the elderly of Catalonia but not in the younger population: Effect of prevention or consequence of immigration?
April 01, 2015
RTI In The Media
Asian-American groups accuse Harvard of discrimination
May 18, 2015 -
Utilizing hyperlink network analysis to examine climate change supporters and opponents
March 01, 2015
RTI In The Media
Teen Violence and Prevention
January 21, 2015 - The Measure of Everyday Life
News Release
Study: Nutrition education program can improve children’s at-home consumption of fruits and vegetables
February 03, 2015
‘Women at risk’: The health and social vulnerabilities of the regular female partners of men who inject drugs in Delhi, India
May 28, 2015
A Three-Way Interaction among Maternal and Fetal Variants Contributing to Congenital Heart Defects
January 01, 2016
Housing mobility and cognitive development: Change in verbal and nonverbal abilities
October 01, 2015
Evaluating deer hunters' support for hunting deer with dogs
March 04, 2015
Initiation of Heroin and Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers by Birth Cohort
December 21, 2015
RTI In The Media
Reentry from Prison
February 25, 2015 - The Measure of Everyday Life
The long-acting integrase inhibitor GSK744 protects macaques from repeated intravaginal SHIV challenge
January 14, 2015
Diversity outbred mice identify population-based exposure thresholds and genetic factors that influence benzene-induced genotoxicity
March 01, 2015
Annual Healthcare Spending Attributable to Cigarette Smoking: An Update
March 01, 2015
News Release
Rachel Nugent joins RTI International as vice president of chronic noncommunicable diseases initiative
November 13, 2015
January 01, 2016