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Ryan M. Labrecque

Senior Program Manager


PhD, Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
MS, Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
MS, Human Services, Springfield College
BS, Criminal Justice, Hesser College


Ryan M. Labrecque, PhD, is a Senior Program Manager in the Corrections and Reentry Research Program. His primary research interests and areas of expertise include the use and impact of restrictive housing, the development and validation of risk assessments, and the implementation and evaluation of correctional services. Prior to joining RTI, Dr. Labrecque was an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Florida. Ryan also previously served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Portland State University, a Research Assistant for the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute, and in several correctional practitioner roles in the New Hampshire and Maine Departments of Corrections, including as a Correctional Officer, Social Worker, and Probation and Parole Officer. He has also been a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on 10 federal, foundation, and state research grants.

To date, Dr. Labrecque has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles on topics related to institutional and community corrections. His work has appeared in journals that include Justice Quarterly; Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Criminal Justice and Behavior; and Crime and Delinquency. Dr. Labrecque has also published more than 30 book chapters and technical reports, and presented more than 50 papers at various regional, national, and international academic and practitioner conferences. Dr. Labrecque currently serves as the Associate Editor for the Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research (CPPR) journal and as an Associate and Section Editor (Correctional Program Implementation and Policy Evaluation Section) for the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (IJOTCC).

Some of Dr. Labrecque's notable publications include:

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