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Search Results

Showing results 1 to 20 of 2452.


Association of living in a food desert and poor periconceptional diet quality in a cohort of nulliparous pregnant individuals

August 01, 2023

Prescribing of low-dose rivaroxaban in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands

July 01, 2023

Impact of severe aortic stenosis on quality of life

June 21, 2023

Safety of off-label dose reduction of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation

February 01, 2023

More than half of patients with a rheumatic disease or immunologic condition undergoing methotrexate treatment reside in states in which the overturning of Roe v. Wade can jeopardize access to medications with abortifacient potential

February 01, 2023

Modeling the impact of nonpharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission in k-12 schools

December 01, 2022

Symptom assessment in adolescents and adults with celiac disease

December 01, 2021

Incremental healthcare costs of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) compared to asthma: Retrospective analysis of commercial claims data in the United States (US)

November 06, 2021

Healthcare resource use and activities of daily living status among adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy: A natural history multicountry chart review study

November 01, 2021

Health-related quality of life in adolescents and adults with eosinophilic esophagitis in a real world setting in the US

October 24, 2021

Cost-effectiveness analysis of recombinant zoster vaccine for the prevention of herpes zoster in immunocompromised adults diagnosed with select cancers in the United States

October 15, 2021

Health care resource utilization of patients with advanced gastric cancer/gastroesophageal junction cancer or esophageal adenocarcinoma: Results of nivolumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy from checkmate 649

October 01, 2021

Visualising regional disparities in the risk of COVID-19 at different phases of lockdown in England

August 01, 2021

Conditional GWAS analysis to identify disorder-specific SNPs for psychiatric disorders

June 01, 2021

Latent profiles of alcohol consumption among college students exposed to trauma

March 02, 2021

Sex-specific risk profiles for substance use among college students

February 01, 2021

Genetic stratification of depression by neuroticism: Revisiting a diagnostic tradition

November 01, 2020

Examination of a novel measure of trauma-related drinking to cope

October 01, 2020

Does this patient still want a kidney transplant? Changing treatment preferences among African Americans on the kidney transplant waiting list

November 01, 2019

A unique formulation of cardioprotective bio-actives: An overview of their safety profile

October 22, 2019