Counting, Sequencing, and Arranging: Exploring Instructional Strategies in Early Grade Mathematics
RTI International
1250 H St. NW
Suite 510, Room 504
Washington, DC 20005
United States
Please join RTI International and our distinguished panelists for a discussion on effective instructional strategies in pre-primary through grade three mathematics classrooms.
The international community has focused on early grade reading for several years resulting in evidence on effective instructional strategies. USAID and other stakeholders are looking to expand their education strategy to include early mathematics. However, we do not yet have a shared understanding of what effective mathematics instruction looks like in low and middle -income contexts.
This panel presentation will feature experts in the field of early mathematics education who will present on key instructional practices in early grade math classrooms. This will be followed by a moderated discussion that will focus on questions such as: How are the instructional strategies supporting mathematics distinct from existing practices in reading interventions? What evidence do we need to develop a shared understanding of instruction in early mathematics classrooms?
Linda Platas, PhD, Assistant Professor, Associate Chair of Child and Adolescent Development, San Francisco State University
Moses Ngware, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, African Population and Health Research Center, Inc. (APHRC)
Norma Evans, Technical Director, Evans and Associates Educational Consulting Limited
Shirin Lutfeali, Advisor, Basic Literacy and Numeracy, Save the Children
Yasmin Sitabkhan, PhD, Senior Early Childhood Education Researcher and Advisor, RTI International
Rebecca Rhodes, Senior Education Advisor, USAID