Helping clients turn insights into new products, services, and technologies that have meaningful impact for people and business
Our Innovation Advisors help clients innovate by driving digital transformation, building capacity, providing insight, and accelerating technology from lab to market. We deliver consulting services and analysis that are rooted in research and reflect our multidisciplinary expertise. We believe in the power of teams, and our approach to learning streamlines the path to market for technologies and delivers better products with the potential for positive business and human impact.
We work with a variety of global corporations, federal agencies, and foundations to deliver actionable insight, create meaning, and discern the path ahead—so they can solve their toughest innovation challenges.
With a 50-year record of success across the entire innovation life cycle, we know what works. Our blend of technical and creative competencies allows us to approach your projects as problem solvers, whether that means defining how digital transformation will impact your strategy and operations, designing a customized innovation process and training to build your innovation capabilities, or undertaking a technology landscape or scouting project.
RTI Innovation Advisors is your partner on your innovation journey.
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