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RTI recognized by the American Heart Association for promoting a healthy work culture

The institute was awarded silver level recognition for its commitments to employee health

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. — The American Heart Association (AHA) has awarded nonprofit institute RTI International with a national silver level recognition for its commitments to employee health and well-being as measured by the Association’s 2024 Well-being Works Better™ Scorecard.

The AHA has defined best practices that organizations can use to build a culture of health and well-being for their workforce. The Well-being Works Better Scorecard recognition program acknowledges efforts to implement quality workforce health and well-being best practices. Organizations can earn recognition based on adherence to the association’s science-backed recommended practices in areas such as health equity, burnout prevention, compensation and benefits, and more. Recognition categories include platinum, gold, silver, bronze and completers.

“Our staff are the heart of our culture, and our commitment to their health and wellbeing is a top priority,” said RTI Wellness Program Manager Noelle Ybarra. “RTI is dedicated to creating a culture where all staff can thrive – both in and out of the workplace.”

The focus of the American Heart Association’s Well-being Works Better Scorecard is to provide employers with a curated solution for fostering and evolving a healthy work culture while supporting employees’ health — mind, heart, and body. The scorecard helps leaders assess their health and well-being strategy and review industry benchmarking data and resources for continued learning and improvement.

To learn more about the recognition, visit www.heart.org/workforce.