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Fabrication and magneto-transport and SQUID measurements of submicron spin-valve structures
Park, YD., Temple, D., Jung, KB., Kumar, D., Holloway, PH., & Pearton, SJ. (1999). Fabrication and magneto-transport and SQUID measurements of submicron spin-valve structures. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 17(6), 2471-2475. https://doi.org/10.1116/1.591114
Submicron Ni 0.8 Fe0.2/Cu/Co spin valves and Co/Cu pseudo spin valves with widths ranging from 200 to 0.5 μm have been realized by direct deposition and liftoff. The resulting configurations were structurally characterized by atomic force microscope and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. Transport and magnetic properties of arrays of these spin-valve structures were studied using superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Magnetic measurements carried out on several spin-valve structures showed that both coercivity and field at which maximum magnetoresistance (MR) occurs increase with decrease in widths of the spin valves. Comparison of the results obtained from the magnetometry and transport measurements indicated the existence of an offset between the coercive field and field of maximum MR. Resistance versus temperature measurements for varying linewidth show a minimal shift in peak temperature, indicating that processing effects are minimal.