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Services and Capabilities

Training and Technical Assistance

Research-informed, real-world solutions for the field.

RTI International has a long history of providing training and technical assistance (TTA) to support federal, state, and local governments; tribal jurisdictions; and community-based organizations. The impact of evidence-based research cannot be felt unless solutions are translated successfully to real-world settings. Tailored support and guidance are critical to meet the needs of those implementing strategies and programs and the populations and communities they serve.

We assist in planning, developing, and delivering TTA and capacity building designed to achieve a specific program objective, increase capacity, resolve challenging problems, or implement innovative and research-supported approaches. 

Our multidisciplinary project teams, comprising industry-leading practitioners, researchers, and technical staff, deliver research-informed TTA in the form of: 

  • In-person and virtual trainings
  • Peer-to-peer learning
  • Grantee connectivity and networking
  • Capacity building and sustainability planning
  • Engaging resources, such as guidance briefs, toolkits, implementation checklists, and fact sheets
  • Interactive convenings and conferences

We provide clients with a robust infrastructure and data systems to support complex initiatives, enabling agile and customized support that meets grantees where they are.   

Partner with our team to successfully implement research-informed strategies and programs