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Regina Rutledge

Regina Rutledge

Research Public Health Analyst


PhD, Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MPH, Maternal and Child Health, Gillings School of Global Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Applied Sociology, North Carolina State University

Regina Rutledge is a Senior Program Manager in the Health Coverage for Low-Income and Uninsured Population program who has nearly 20 years of experience in public health services and research at the local, state, and federal levels. Dr. Rutledge has helped oversee numerous multisite evaluations measuring the impacts of interventions designed to improve health outcomes, advance health equity, and enhance health care delivery system for low-income, uninsured populations, and rural populations. She is a recognized leader in best-practices for incorporating Medicaid claims into complex implementation and evaluation projects for numerous federal agencies.  

Dr. Rutledge is a subject matter expert in maternal health innovations and alternative payment models, including episodes of care, bundled payments, pregnancy medical homes, and pay-for-performance incentives. In addition to evaluating maternity models for both the State Innovation Models Round 1 and 2, she also led MACPAC's recent research project Maternity Alternative Payment Model. She currently leads Nurture North Carolina, a statewide initiative uniting leaders from government, health care delivery systems, insurance payers, philanthropy, and private business to collaboratively address maternal morbidity and mortality through large-scale policy changes.

In addition to maternal health, Dr. Rutledge has also conducted research on patient centered medical homes, rural delivery systems, federally qualified health centers, and integrated care for dually-eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

Dr. Rutledge joined RTI in 2016. Prior to joining RTI International, she worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research at UNC Chapel Hill, Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Health, and completed graduate two fellowships with HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau. 

Get To Know Regina Rutledge

Dr. Rutledge discusses her two-decade journey in maternal health and current momentum and innovations.

I have worked in maternal health for 20 years, having started my career providing pregnancy testing, counseling and education in community health centers and local health departments. Since then, I've moved my work further upstream to conduct research and evaluations on how alternative payment models and broad policy reforms can improve the pregnancy experience and birth outcomes. It's an exciting time to be working in this space as we're seeing increased investments and innovations designed to address root causes of poor outcomes and disparities.

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