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Eileen Reynolds

Eileen Reynolds

Senior Project Manager, Research Computing Division


MA, International Development, Clark University
BA, Political Science, University of Missouri

Eileen Reynolds has more than 25 years of experience in project management, digital health and health information systems strengthening, disease surveillance systems and global health security project implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for U.S. and international projects. Ms. Reynolds currently serves as the headquarters health informatics technical advisor for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded Global Health Security (GHS) project in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and served in the same role from 2015-2020 for the CDC-funded GHS cooperative agreement in Guinea. In Guinea she worked with a team of local epidemiologists and technology experts, CDC, and the Ministry of Health to implement a national electronic disease surveillance system based on the DHIS2 platform that continues to be used to respond to ongoing and new disease outbreaks. 

Ms. Reynolds is experienced in startup and management of both domestic and international projects, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation plans, working with diverse clients, mentoring and team building, and proposal leadership, management, writing, and budget development. Her knowledge and experience in M&E have been applied in multiple projects, both domestic and international, to establish performance measures, create plans and set up systems for data collection, create training materials, train M&E personnel, and develop written M&E plans for projects. She has strong analytical, writing, communication and facilitation, and cross-cultural skills, including French ILR Level 3 (professional working proficiency), and experience with Jira, SQL, NVivo, Dedoose, PowerBI, DHIS2, and Smartsheets. 

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