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Search Results

Showing results 1 to 20 of 202.


Intimate partner violence and drinking: New research on methodological issues, stability and change, and treatment

January 01, 2003

Development and Validation of a Urine-based PCR-ELISA for Use in Clinical Research Settings to Detect Trichomonas vaginalis in Women

April 01, 2002

Infections in VLBW infants: Studies from the NICHD Neonatal Research Network

January 01, 2003

Counseling in the clinical setting to prevent unintended pregnancy: an evidence-based research agenda

January 01, 2003

The Research Triangle Park particulate matter panel study: PM mass concentration relationships

January 01, 2003

Researching disparities: Strategies for primary data collection.

January 01, 2003

How welfare reform affects young children: Experimental findings from Connecticut-A research note

January 01, 2003

Minor acute illness: A common but ignored problem in high utilizing patients–a preliminary research report

September 01, 2002

Late-onset sepsis in very low birth weight neonates: The experience of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network

April 01, 2002

Chebyshev's inequality for nonparametric testing with small "N" and "&agr;" in microarray research

January 01, 2003

A comparative study of hymenoptera diversity between Kiuic research station and Hacienda Tabi in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico

January 01, 2003

Combining online surveys, traditional interviewing techniques and web-based reporting to measurably improve Honeywell's market research.

January 01, 2003

Grappling with implementation: Some preliminary thoughts and relevant research

April 01, 2002

Mediation designs for tobacco prevention research

November 01, 2002
Scholarly Report

Research Brief: Guidance and Advisement

April 01, 2002

Health Services Research: An Evolving Definition of the Field

April 01, 2002

The Research Triangle Park particulate matter panel study: modeling ambient source contribution to personal and residential PM mass concentrations

January 01, 2003

Context matters: Schools and the "research to practice gap" in children's mental health

January 01, 2003

2001 Annual Report: Turning Knowledge Into Practice

May 01, 2002

A cluster evaluation of Navy quality of life programs

August 01, 2002