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Search Results

Showing results 1 to 20 of 123.


Prognosis by measurements of left ventricular function during exercise. Duke Noninvasive Research Working Group

January 01, 1998

Research on Effective Instruction for At-Risk Students: Implications for the St. Louis Public Schools: The Role of Social Science in School Desegregation Efforts: The St. Louis Example

June 01, 1997

Maximizing participation by black Americans in population-based diabetes research: The project DIRECT pilot experience

January 01, 1998

Transgenic model systems, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, March 17 and 18, 1997

January 01, 1998

Predictors of Serious Delinquency in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Synthesis of Longitude Research

January 01, 1998

Uncertainty analysis and simulation modeling for Lake Okeechobee research prioritization

April 01, 1997

Design and baseline participant characteristics of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemiology Research (HER) Study: a prospective cohort study of human immunodeficiency virus infection in US women

September 15, 1997

Strategies for designing a research utilization project with labor delivery nurses

November 01, 1997

Health-related quality of life after knee replacement - Results of the Knee Replacement Patient Outcomes Research Team Study

January 01, 1998

Measuring crime in public housing: Methodological issues and research strategies

January 01, 1998

Evaluation of a portable Fourier transform infrared gas analyzer for measurements of air toxics in pollution prevention research

January 01, 1998

Bringing 5 a day consumers into focus: Qualitative use of consumer research to guide strategic decision making

July 01, 1997

Decision analysis to guide Lake Okeechobee research planning

April 01, 1997

The Design and Selected Early Findings of the HIV Epidemiology Research (HER) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study of HIV Infection in U.S. Women

September 01, 1997

Quality Control and Quality Assurance in HIV Prevention Research: Model from a Multisite HIV Prevention Trial

September 01, 1997

Ziskind-Somerfeld Rsearch Award 1996. Medial and Superior Temporal Gyral Volumes and Cerebral Asymmetry in Schizophrenia Versus Bipolar Disorder

September 01, 1997

Shipboard women's health care: Provider perceptions

October 01, 1997

Polymer blend materials composed of an aromatic polyamide and a soluble polyamide

June 10, 1997

Women's Efforts to Prevent Pregnancy: Consistency of Oral Contraceptive Use

January 01, 1998

Development of low-temperature high-rare earth element glasses

December 01, 1997