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Search Results

Showing results 1 to 20 of 43.


Permeability of Vitamin B-12 in Chitosan Membranes. Effect of Crosslinking and Blending with Poly(vinyl alcohol) on Permeability

January 01, 1992

Wind Electric Pumping Systems: Sizing and Cost Estimation

January 01, 1992

The Use of Grade-of-Membership Techniques to Estimate Regression Relationships

January 01, 1992

The Use of Simulated Annealing in Chromosome Reconstruction Experiments Based on Binary Scoring

January 01, 1992

Avoiding the quality assurance boondoggle in drug treatment programs through total quality management

January 01, 1992

Lung-Volume Dependent Effects of Changing Inspiratory Time During High-Frequency Oscillation

January 01, 1992

Analytical Methods Validation: Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, and Pharmacokinetic Studies

January 01, 1992

Purification of Uridine Phosphorylase From Crude Extracts of Escherichia Coli Employing High-Speed Countercurrent Chromatography With an Aqueous Two-Phase Solvent System

January 01, 1992

Influence of Age, Performance Status, Body Weight, and Tumor Type in Individuals with Cancer on the Disposition of Warfarin and Its Enantiomers: Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Number 75

January 01, 1992

Brine Shrimp (Artemia): Fish Food With Potential Application as a Prescreen to Predict Chemical Hazard to Human Development

January 01, 1992

Burst Testing of Condoms. I. Basic Features of the Force-Deformation Curve of Latex-Rubber Condoms

January 01, 1992

Quality of health and family planning services in rural Uttar Pradesh: The client's view

January 01, 1992

Cmap - Contig Mapping and Analysis Package, A Relational Database for Chromosome Reconstruction

January 01, 1992

Thermogravimetric Determination of Starch Content in Starch-Polyethylene Blend Films

January 01, 1992

Alcohol and Cancer

January 01, 1992

Calcium-Channel Blockers in Primary Pulmonary-Hypertension - Reply

January 01, 1992

Reproductive Cyclicity in a Breeding Colony of Large-Eared Greater Galago (Otolemur Crassicaudatus) Under Constant Photoperiodic Conditions

January 01, 1992

Effect of Coronary Stenosis on Cardiac Compensation During Hemodilution

January 01, 1992

The Application of Markov-Chain Analysis to Oligonucleotide Frequency Prediction and Physical Mapping of Drosophila-Melanogaster

January 01, 1992

Ethics, social forces, and politics in AIDS-related research: experience in planning and implementing a household HIV seroprevalence survey

January 01, 1992