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Search Results

Showing results 41 to 60 of 65.


Multiple tobacco product use among adults in the United States: Cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, hookah, smokeless tobacco, and snus

May 01, 2014

E-cigarette Advertising Expenditures in the U.S., 2011-2012

April 01, 2014

Can tweets replace polls? A U.S. health-care reform case study

January 01, 2014

Methodological considerations in analyzing Twitter data

December 01, 2013

Influence of Retail Cigarette Advertising, Price Promotions, and Retailer Compliance on Youth Smoking-Related Attitudes and Behaviors

November 01, 2013

The density of tobacco retailers and its association with sociodemographic characteristics of communities across New York

April 01, 2013

Density of tobacco retailers and its association with sociodemographic characteristics of communities across New York

April 01, 2013

Influence of tobacco displays and ads on youth: A virtual store experiment

January 01, 2013

Using web panels to understand whether online ad exposure influences information-seeking behavior

December 01, 2012

The density of tobacco retailers and its association with attitudes toward smoking, exposure to point-of-sale tobacco advertising, cigarette purchasing, and smoking among New York youth

November 01, 2012

The marketing of dissolvable tobacco: Social science and public policy research needs

July 01, 2012

Application of the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the impact of a worksite-based financial incentive intervention for smoking cessation

May 01, 2012

The public's response to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's 2009 recommendations on mammography screening

May 01, 2011

Why are financial incentives not effective at influencing some smokers to quit? Results of a process evaluation of a worksite trail assessing the efficacy of financial incentives for smoking cessation

January 01, 2011

Cancer information scanning and seeking in the general population

October 01, 2010

Coverage and framing of racial and ethnic health disparities in U.S. newspapers, 1996-2005

April 01, 2010

Coverage and framing of racial and ethnic health disparities in US newspapers, 1996-2005

April 01, 2010

Why Are Financial Incentives Not Effective at Influencing Some Smokers to Quit? Results from A Process Evaluation

April 01, 2009

Towards a more comprehensive understanding of cancer burden in North Carolina: Priorities for intervention.

August 01, 2008

Smokers' beliefs and attitudes about purchasing cigarettes on the Internet

May 01, 2006