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Search Results

Showing results 21 to 40 of 43.


Image sequence analysis via GRU and attention for trachomatous trichiasis classification

July 07, 2021
Cover image for publication: Social network analysis methods for international development
RTI Press Publication

Social network analysis methods for international development

May 14, 2021

Predicting age groups of Reddit users based on posting behavior and metadata: Classification model development and validation

March 16, 2021

Collecting and using always-on location data in surveys

December 10, 2020

Worldwide population estimates for small geographic areas: Can we do a better job?

September 01, 2020

Deep neural networks and transfer learning for food crop identification in UAV images

March 01, 2020

Identification of bicycling periods using the MicroPEM personal exposure monitor

October 23, 2019

Making evidence actionable: Interactive dashboards, bayes, and health care innovation

August 05, 2019

The public health impact of different microbiological criteria approaches for salmonella in chicken parts

August 01, 2019

Rollmatch: An R package for rolling entry matching

July 30, 2019

Estimated ages of JUUL Twitter followers

July 01, 2019
Cover image for publication: Interactive visualization to facilitate monitoring longitudinal survey data and paradata
RTI Press Publication

Interactive visualization to facilitate monitoring longitudinal survey data and paradata

May 07, 2019

SMART: An open source data labeling platform for supervised learning

May 01, 2019

Supplementing a survey with respondent Twitter data to measure e-cigarette information exposure

April 16, 2019

Anesthesia staffing models and geographic prevalence post-medicare CRNA/physician exemption policy

March 01, 2019

Toward model-generated household listing in low- and middle-income countries using deep learning

November 16, 2018

Turning narrative descriptions of individual behavior into network visualization and analysis: Example of terrorist group dynamics

June 14, 2018

Assessing target audiences of digital public health campaigns: A computational approach

June 14, 2018

Residential scene classification for gridded population sampling in developing countries using deep convolutional neural networks on satellite imagery

May 09, 2018

Underutilization and disparities in access to EGFR testing among Medicare patients with lung cancer from 2010-2013

March 20, 2018