Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 25.
Responding to the learning crisis: Structured pedagogy in sub-Saharan Africa
September 01, 2024
RTI Press Publication
Girls have academic advantages and so do boys: A multicountry analysis of gender differences in early grade reading and mathematics outcomes
April 18, 2023
Scholarly Report
Language of instruction in foundational literacy & numeracy programs in sub-Saharan Africa: The basics
August 01, 2021
Scholarly Report
Practical language choices for improving foundational literacy & numeracy programs in sub-Saharan Africa
August 01, 2021
RTI Press Publication
Learning to read in a local language in Uganda: Creating learner profiles to track progress and guide instruction using Early Grade Reading Assessment results
June 15, 2021
Screening for dyslexia in low-resource and multilingual contexts
January 01, 2020
Examining options for reading comprehension assessment in international contexts
November 01, 2019
Literacy acquisition in multi-lingual educational contexts: Evidence from Coastal Kenya
September 01, 2019
Changing literacy instruction in Kenyan classrooms: Assessing pathways of influence to improved early literacy outcomes in the HALI intervention
September 01, 2018
Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data for targeted instructional support: Learning profiles and instructional needs in Indonesia
July 01, 2018
Identifying the essential ingredients to literacy and numeracy improvement: Teacher professional development and coaching, student textbooks, and structured teachers' guides
June 01, 2018
Improving literacy instruction in Kenya through teacher professional development and text messages support: A cluster randomized trial
July 03, 2017
RTI Press Publication
What works in early grade literacy instruction
February 28, 2017
Assess Reading Early to Inform Instruction, Improve Quality, and Realize Possibilities
December 16, 2016
Teacher professional development and text messages support for improved literacy instruction in Kenya: a cluster randomized trial
October 01, 2016
“I failed, no matter how hard I tried”: A mixed-methods study of the role of achievement in primary school dropout in rural Kenya
September 01, 2016
Understanding What Works in Oral Reading Assessments: What and how to assess reading
June 20, 2016
Understanding What Works in Oral Reading Assessments: Assessment in schools
June 20, 2016
Designing a program of teacher professional development to support beginning reading acquisition in coastal Kenya
March 01, 2015
The early grade reading assessment (EGRA): Its theoretical foundation, purpose, and limitations
January 01, 2015